“BUSH” MEDICINE - General Registration Information

Trip is Full

Please inquire about our trip in 2021. Dates will occur in roughly the same time frame.


Current travel dates are slated for December 31st, 2019 through Jan 24th 2020. If any final changes are made, the dates will fall within those dates.

AIRFARE Premier Travel Agency, will be available to secure everyone’s travel tickets, based on the itinerary provided and which travel group you are in : A,B, or C. I am estimating about $1600 for the tickets, RT from Denver. I will send out his contact info, once we have decided on the best flights, and once you are registered, so you can get you ticket. If you are not flying from Denver, you can meet the group on one of the connecting flights on the way over. Last year we had a layover in Frankfort


You can buy your VISA on line, or wait to get it when we enter the country Cost of the VISA is $50.00 for single entry, up to 30 days.


For all RVU students PROOF of following immunizations are REQUIRED for Kenya:

· HEP A and B,

· Typhoid (oral)

· Tetanus booster, less than 5 years old.

· I will double check with CDC, but that Yellow Fever is no longer required if arriving from the US.

Again, RVU Students will be required to show proof of all these vaccines by Nov 1st, 2019


We stay at a locally operated hotel; KIBO SLOPES COTTAGES, the only nice one just outside of Loitokitok, near the Tanzanian border, at the base of Kibo Mountain, the southern peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The rooms are simply decorated, clean, and they provided us with two homestyle meals (breakfast and dinner) every day. The staff treats us like family. Every bed had a mosquito net, which everyone used, as we will be between the wet and dry seasons there. Generally here in Kenya, the food is simple, lots of starch, little veges and meat, but they have a way of making it taste good. Also, no one has ever gone hungry. The hotel also has a small refrig, for beer and soda, so usually there was always a “cold one” available for purchase. We will be providing each participant 1.5 liters of bottled water per day. Everyone pays for their own ETOH drinks, additional water, soda, etc. purchased through the hotel. Fresh juice, instant coffee and Kenyan sweet tea always available in the AM with breakfast. They now have wifi, but you have to be in the main building to use it. Last year some of the group brought their own “Hot Spots’ and shared them, but this can be quite expensive. Do whatever you feel necessary to be comfortable. We will make one stop before leaving the outskirts of Nairobi after the first night, to get additional food, water and snacks for our hotel stay.


Every day we travel by bus, truck, OR WHATEVER IS RUNNING, etc. it usually takes about 1-2 hours each way to reach the rural villages, luckily there is usually something cool to see while en route. We carry all our meds, supplies, tables and tents to work in. Most sites are outdoors, as it is hot and usually quite dry (and dusty) during that time of year. Remember to bring a plastic cover for your electronics. ON occasion we may come in contact with a lot of flies, please have you bug repellent for that time., it only happened at one site last year. We usually did not have access to electricity or toilets, but everyone does amazingly well, while in the “Bush”. If it rains, it pours, so be prepared to get wet, and have a poncho to help.

(In 2019 we visited 14 different sites, half of which were located on the perimeter of Amboselli National Park, working with the indigenous Masai people in their matadas. Working with the Masai, next to their homes (bomas) was truly a unique, and most unforgettable” NAT GEO” experience!!! We saw anywhere from 100-200 patients per day, many suffering from skin infections, upper respiratory ailments and malnutrition. BY the way, Amboselli is known for its abundance of giraffes, zebra, elephants, etc. Every day that we commute in and out of the park, we are on “safari”.

We will work another 14 days this January 2020, with a few rest/market/cultural days here and there.

Final Overview:

This is truly an amazing experience and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting an adventure while practicing medicine. The hotel is quite nice, the rooms are very Spartan but clean. Food is good, did have hot water for the showers most of the time and flushing toilets that work. YEAH!! Road transport can be rough, all dirt roads, a very dusty area. Sometimes the vehicles break down, and we have to wait for repairs, but we always seem to get our work done. Lots of walking.

If you are interested in participating in this trip of a lifetime, please complete the REGISTRATION form and submit with required documents, etc. to me asap. I hope to have the group set up by the end of July. Slots will be filled first come first serve. Every participant will receive additional Kenya travel information, packing guide and itinerary when available.


All payments will be made directly to Hands for Health Foundation, via check or Credit card on their website. This information will be specified on the registration form when available.

I hope this info was of some help to you.

Any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Camille Z. Bentley DO, MPH, FACOFP

Trip Coordinator and Medical Director

Team A: December 31, 2019 - January 24, 2020

  • Estimated cost $2,800.00 plus airfare


Team B: December 31, 2019 - January 13, 2020

  • Estimated cost $1,600.00 plus airfare

Team C: January 12 - 24, 2020

  • Estimated cost $1,400.00 plus airfare


Tuesday, Dec 31, 2019

  • Groups A and B: Depart the U.S., spend New year’s Eve in flight

Wednesday, Jan 1, 2020

  • Group A and B: All Arrive 9:50 pm in Nairobi, spend night outside of Nairobi at the Wildebeest Eco Camp Nairobi www.wilderbeestecocamp.com (Breakfast included in the early am)

Thursday, Jan 2

  • Group A and B: Land Travel day to Loitokitok; Early start required: visit the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust elephant orphanage (donations accepted), kazuri bead factory and a local Walmart type store to buy extra food supplies.

  • Arrive late to Kibo Slopes Cottages at www.kibocottages.com Phone # from the U.S. is 011-254-208006912 email is info@kibocottages.com (Breakfast and Dinner included, daily ) check in, GET SETTLED

Friday, Jan 3

  • Groups A and B: Orientation (medical and cultural), meet and greet everyone in the group, pharmacy prep, etc. for work the next day.

Saturday - Monday, Jan 4-6

  • Groups A and B: Work* 3 days providing healthcare to local villages/Bomas

Tuesday, Jan 7

  • Groups A and B: Off Market Day in Kimana; visit the orphanage in Loitokitok

Wednesday - Saturday, Jan 8-11

  • Groups A and B: Work* 4 days providing healthcare to local villages/Bomas

Sunday, Jan 12

  • Group C: Health Care providers departs from the U.S.

  • Groups A and B: Travel to Aboselli Lodge (or similar) for R&R time (rest and reflection, 2 nights.

Monday, Jan 13

  • Group B: Health care providers depart for nairobi and flights home.

  • Group C: Spends first night at the Wilderbeest Eco Camp NAIROBI (see above)

Tuesday, Jan 14

  • Group C: Health Care providers arrive to Kibo Slopes and join Group A for dinner.

Wednesday - Friday, Jan 15 – Jan 17

  • Groups A and C: Work* 3 days providing healthcare to local villages/bomas.

Saturday, JAN 18

  • Off market day in Kimana; Visit the orphanage in Loitokitok.

Sunday - Wednesday, JAN 19-22

  • Groups A and C: Work* anothing 4 days providing healthcare to local villages/bomas.

Thursday, Jan 23

  • Groups A and C: Clean up and pack in AM for 1PM checkout and departure for Nairobi and flights home.

  • Planned arrival home Friday, Jan 24..

Kenya 2020 Volunteer Submission Form